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Why I don’t watch movie trailers

Why I don’t watch movie trailers

Key Takeaways Trailers spoil the movie, revealing too much about the plot, characters, and even surprises. Trailers are designed to sell a movie, and not actually elevate the movie ...

I Dreamt I Found a Red Ruby, Stampede and more

I Dreamt I Found a Red Ruby, Stampede and more

In this installment of What We're Listening To, Engadget's Weekend Editor Cheyenne MacDonald dives into the new releases she's been enjoying lately.Francesca Wexler - I Dreamt I Found a Red RubyEvery ...

Will generative AI fix Amazon Alexa?

Will generative AI fix Amazon Alexa?

Key Takeaways Alexa could be getting a paid "Remarkable" tier that uses generative AI. People don't like paying for something that already has a free version, so Amazon may need to spice up ...

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